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  • Writer's pictureRiverview Counselling

Feeling the pinch... makes sense - you are not 3, 4, 5+ people!

Just incase you needed the reminder after this looooong week.

You may be one of these, but you are not trained to be all of them! A primary teacher, high school teacher, daycare teacher, housekeeper who can run a home and restaurant (with some very picky and demanding clientele), while doing your actual paid position from home, while bearing the stress of a lockdown and a pandemic. Phew. Anxious just writing that!

It is a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are not meant to be able to do all of these things, so take the pressure off. What can you achieve each day? What is realistic? What can wait? Are you taking any time to reset? What is best for your family?

Some of the suggestions made by Emily King below are so powerful, "choose connection... pick laughing and snuggling" and safety over the chaos.

What are some wins for you this week? What have you achieved? What went well? Share and help some other mums working from home with their little ones too.

Be kind to yourself and just survive! <3

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