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On International Day for People with a disABILITY

Writer's picture: Riverview CounsellingRiverview Counselling

Today I am of course thinking of my gorgeous son and his amazing abilities that I could only dream of, his senses are so incredible. He sees things before anyone else, hears changes of tones and questions your mood or intent, can be aware of different changes of expressions, comments on me changing something as simple as my earrings and compliments me. He adores snuggles and still at 7 comes into our bed at night and kisses my forehead or cheek and sleeps with his arms wrapped around me.

He has a world filled with noise and confusion at times and has still strived through the last two years (his only two years of schooling), with so much homeschooling the poor thing. (I don't know who I feel more sorry for, him or me! Ha!)

He has triumphed in so many ways, but sadly he has struggled in more ways too. So we continue to advocate for him, to call for ways to have him stay at his current school with his sisters, to get more funding, longer aide time and with that came a new diagnosis and there will be assessments into others.

With that being said he is truly so lucky to have the therapists, teacher and aide that he has and we are truly blessed that he has that support and so do we.

But today I am also thinking of all of the carers out there who selflessly put their child/ren's needs first, their family first and usually themselves last. We stand up for our kids, call for changes where they need to be made and continue to advocate for inclusion, modifications, respite, training and more.

So today I am celebrating not only our incredible special needs children but us parents for never giving up, knowing what are children need and moving heaven and earth for them to be included and to have fantastic futures.

Here's to us.


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