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  • Writer's pictureRiverview Counselling

Counselling isn't selfish or embarrassing...

Updated: Jul 21, 2021

There are so many reasons counselling is helpful, I know this from personal experience also. Yes therapists seek therapy! Because we know it works!

Sometimes people just need to be heard, to have unbiased support, a safe space that is just for them. No interruptions (however if you are in lock down the kids may pop in., haha), a whole hour that is spent on you, for you.

Counselling can help with anxiety, stress, depression, confusion, grief, dealing with major life events like (a lock down, ha!) losing a job or decisions around which path to take. So many things!

You spend each and every day giving to everyone else. Therapy is for us, it is our release and haven to solely focus on us, and what we want to work on and change. To set out our personal goals and work towards the future we have imagined.

It isn't selfish or embarrassing, it is like any other service you deem essential. You wouldn't think twice about going to the dentist, optometrist or hair dresser. Why wouldn't you seek help around healing your mind, your most prized possession?

Have you found useful tips or tricks for your mental health? What are they? What helps you?

For those who haven't. What do YOU need right now?

Stay safe x

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