I came across a Harvard article about beating burnout and I thought I would share this incase it may help someone going through this right now, or to help prevent it <3
This resonated with me so much:
“I felt like my body was running on adrenaline—trying to do a marathon at a sprint pace—all the time,”
The exhaustion is real! this "can stem from the demands of an always-on, 24/7 organizational culture, intense time pressure, or simply having too much to do...or don’t have the necessary skills to accomplish it. In a state of exhaustion, you find that you’re unable to concentrate or see the big picture; even routine and previously enjoyable tasks seem arduous, and it becomes difficult to drag yourself both into and out of the office", whether you are working from home, a stay at home mother or working in the office, burn out can make all of these situations so difficult and being able to do every day things becomes nearly impossible.
Don't wait until you crash to put systems in place. If this is you right now listen to your body - what can you say no to? What can you put off? What support can you get? How are you looking after yourself?